As the “mud fever and rain scald season” approaches, it’s time to take extra care of our horses. Both conditions occur due to the persistent wetness on the skin, which leads to bacterial infections, often accompanied by fungal infections. The bacteria responsible for these issues, Dermatophilus congolensis, and certain fungi, are naturally present on your horse’s skin throughout the year. However, during prolonged exposure to moisture or minor skin injuries, these organisms multiply rapidly, causing irritation, scabbing, and infection.
While traditional treatments often involve antibiotics, a more comprehensive approach is to use a barrier cream that changes the skin’s environment, making it less hospitable for bacteria and fungi to thrive. An effective barrier cream softens scabs, making them easier and less painful to remove.
Though completely avoiding mud fever and rain scald in the **wet, Northern European winter** is difficult, regular application of barrier cream can prevent the skin from becoming overly soft and vulnerable. This proactive measure also helps to create a barrier, preventing the growth of harmful organisms that cause these infections.
With consistent care and prevention strategies, you can keep your horse more comfortable and less prone to these common seasonal skin conditions.